North Pacific Cranes are built to serve in many environments, and to perform a variety of tasks. Our cranes have served the following industries and purposes:
Offshore Oil & Gas Industries
Supply Boats, Crew Boats, Platform Cranes, FSPO Vessels, Diving Support Vessels, LNG Tankers, and VLCC.
Side Scan Sonar Towing, Acoustic Towfish, Sampling, CTD, Video, Vibracoring.
ROV Launch & Recovery
ROV Handling, TMS Docking, AUV Launch & Recovery, Motion Compensating Packages, Docking Probes, and Manned Submersibles.
Cargo Handling
Containers, Cement, Fuel, Lightering Operations, Bulk Materials, Break Bulk Material.
Oil Spill Response
Deployment of Boom Boats, Skimmers, Boom Reels and Rollers, Deployment of Containment Equipment, Loading & Offloading Bulk Tanks, etc.
Naval and Coast Guard Service
Ocean Surveillance, Mine Sweeping, Surface Combat Ships, Salvage Work, Stores Replenishing, Ammunition Handling, Aircraft Recovery, Small Vessel Deployment, etc.
Fishing Boats and Fishing Applications
Crab Boats, Longliners, Trawlers, Tenders, Shore Plants, Processing Vessels, Catcher/Processors.